Friday, August 7, 2009

So what do you do with all your free time?

A friend of mine recently posed this question in an e-mail.
"What free time?" I thought. "I don't even get around to doing all I want to do, let alone being bored."

Now that we've unpacked all the boxes and put stuff away - which only took a week or two - what are we doing? Sightseeing? Loafing? Hardly.

On a typical day I spend the morning behind my computer, wrestling with financial matters or working on a translation, whereas Dwight works around the house. You'd think in a condo there is no outside work. Wrong!! It's a free-standing condo, i. e. it is a house. Though we don't have to paint it or mow the grass - there's not much of it anyway - there seems to be enough outdoor work to keep Dwight busy the rest of the summer. He's busy planting, pruning, washing windows, scrubbing the patio, and a hundred other projects.

After lunch it's more of the same, except we may go swimming at the Condo Association pool - after all, we pay the fees - or we go shopping. Of course we eat out occasionally, but so far we've only gone to Asheville once, and that to apply for driver's licence there on the rumor that it wouldn't take so long - a rumor that turned out false.

Sometimes we are involved in getting to know the neighbors in the condo association. This can be informal, just stopping and chatting, or even visiting with a neighbor. Everybody is very friendly and remembers us by our address - "Oh, you live in Susannah Pierce's house!" - even though she moved out in 2007. And , of course, we are the newcomers. Then there are the more formal meetings. Next week there are two business meetings, one Arts and Crafts Fair I signed up for to display some cross-stitch at, and a Ladies Tea. Yesterday we went to our first ever Bingo night and won $7 between the two of us. I feel like a real Senior Citizen now!

Summers are lovely by and large. It doesn't get humid too often, which means it is cool at night - in the fifties - and warm during the day (eighties). We don't even turn on the AC unless it's really humid. All the rooms have ceiling fans, which is usually enough. I don't even close the windows, because there is a large overhang, and the sun doesn't shine inside.
On other days it starts out sunny, but then thunderstorms move through in the afternoon.

Well, dinner is cooking, so've got to run.

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