Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Accomplishments and Disruptions

First, today's accomplishments - we're set up for telephone service, we have our new number, we have high-speed internet service and satellite TV. We even switched to Direct TV, which carries God-TV! On the downside, we spent 2-3 hours on the phone with various people, including a very talkative guy from the condo association. He was helpful in some ways but also very concerned to squeeze the last buck out of the system. When he suggested, after two hours, that we cancel everything to do it a different way and save a few bucks, I put my foot down! Besides, he wanted us to lie, and I won't do it.

The reason this whole thing was a big disruption - in the midst of all the packing I started a new translation project, this time for CBN. It took away some of my most productive hours of the day. Why do people always assume I don't have anything better to do with my time?

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