Monday, June 22, 2009

Snail Mail really is slow!

Today we received a letter from Asheville, NC which had been sent First Class by snail mail 10 days ago! It took us two days to drive the distance. When I send a letter to Germany, it only takes an average of 6-8 days. So please keep the slow pace in mind if you entrust anything to the US postal service from Iowa!
On the upside, I will have unlimited domestic long-distance calling for $4 monthly. It may be a limited time offer, but I will use it. Besides that, we're thinking of getting a fax machine. That is the only way for really fast mail - besides e-mail, attachments, etc.

1 comment:

  1. I figured what the game is - to promote Priority Mail. It takes "only" 2-3 days.
