Saturday, June 13, 2009

Creating my first blog

Just for the purpose of going through the move to NC I have ventured into online blogging. This is the second big transplant of my life, the first one being when I came to this country about 36 years ago to settle in Iowa.
There are some similarities and some differences between these two transplants:
Both times I came with just my husband, and I didn't know anybody else. Consequently, loneliness was a real problem.
The first time I was young, foolish (?) and not quite fluent in English. This time I'm mature (?!), experienced with the American culture - at least I think so - and fluent in English.
The first time I had just 2 suitcases and a few boxes of books. This time we are inundated with stuff, despite giving a lot of it away, and we are paying a moving company thousands of dollars to haul it across country.
The first time I didn't know the Lord, this time I do. And communications are a lot better with my friends back home in Iowa and elsewhere, through e-mail, facebook, telephone etc. Back then the only feasible way was "snail mail." (Imagine!)


  1. I never imagined myself as a blogger, but I have found it to be a great way to share my Faith with others. I have also discovered a few other great blogs.
    I hope you enjoy blogging and continue writing after everything gets settled.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hannelore- you did a really good job- your writing is easy to follow and interesting to read. Good job!

  3. Congratulations on you new blog, isn't it fun !?
    I really thought I had posted a comment, but maybe I did through Facebook.
    I am also a BASIC prayer team member and was glad when Dave T told me about your blog. I had been planning one in my head for a couple of months, but only finally just started yesterday.
    Moving, oh moving. Not fun, but yet fun to have a new start.
    You will probably find the Enlish in N.C. different than in Iowa. It took me a while to adjust from N.J./N.Y.C. area to the midwest. They would say things that just made no sense to me. Finally after 9 years I mostly understand 'Ohio speak'
    I look forward to reading your blogs, I see I have some catching up to do. And may the Lord bless you and your husband, keep you and give you his peace as you both settle in.
